A few months before Christmas 2001, Alicia Kozakevich 13, a native of the United States became interested in internet. The older brother of the girl opened a new world for her, the world of computer games, online dating sites and chat rooms.

Alicia was not fond of games, but he liked to meet new guys and girls.

Alicia soon appeared a friend who is constantly communicating, consulted him things, did homework, and sometimes even their parents complained to him. The boy was the same age, shared all their interests. Apparently, the match was ideal. The dream of every young girl. They had not yet been concerse, but they could do it online!

It was December 31, 2001, New Year. The mother had prepared an elegant as ever dinner, the guests began to gather at the table. They were all together: parents, grandmother, brother and his girlfriend, friends ... Then Alice did not know yet exactly these family moments would be the happiest of his childhood memories. If only she could turn back time ...

Before dessert Alicia told her mother she felt bad, and left the table. Parents thought their daughter would go up to her room for a while, but Alicia had other plans. Without anyone noticing, she left home and ran down the street to meet his new friend. Why did meet in the New Year's Eve? It was an intrigue for her.

Probably he wanted to get her something, how romantic! She wondered what it would be this first date ... Maybe, he embrace or just hold your hand or ... Totally lost in romantic speculation, suddenly, he was in a dark alley quite far from home. "What are you doing? This is dangerous, you had never seen him, immediately go home!" - A voice inside told him finally woke common sense.

Alicia immediately turned and ran toward his house. Suddenly, someone called her name. A male voice - is he? Everything okay and not to worry? He felt as if in a second had been plunged into darkness.

The following memories of Alicia was a road, a car, a man and fear. A creepy fear, killing, which ecome inside ... This was your life? No, probably just a horror film, a terrible dream ... After five hours she saw his face. It was a very different boy had described in the chat adult male.

What was happening was beside his head. It seemed that the worst was just about to begin. Suddenly he grabbed her hand, pulled the carriage, left her in the basement and chained. "Now you will go very wrong So, can mourn." - He said the strange man smiling. What did he mean? The next four days were a real hell Alicia. Until today she is afraid to remember this day. The hijacker was filming in the camera all the abuse and torture that made him.

Interestingly, this was what saved Alicia. One of the users of child pornography website recognized, had seen the posters with the picture of a missing girl who had appeared many times on television. Now for the police it was not Difil calculate Alicia's whereabouts.

At 14, the girl decided to start a campaign. Alicia wanted to convey to students the truth about the dangers of the Internet, the horrors that lurk behind a profile of cute boys and girls.

Today, after 14 years, Alice works as a lawyer, defends in lawsuits to people who have suffered at the hands of rapists and kidnappers. She founded Alicia Project, which is a project that helps teenagers to recognize the danger of social networks, where it thrives pedophilia and child pornography.

The hardest thing in life was Alice restore confidence. For many years, such qualities as kindness, love and care by men, the girl seemed impossible. But time heals any wound: Alice soon marry his best friend. The wedding will take place immediately after graduation at the University of psychology. Only wish this girl, much happiness, because she deserves it.

Share this story with your friends, so that children understand the dangers of the Internet.

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