It is very normal. Usually our bikini area, armpits are darker than the rest of our body, but it is very easy to make them fair as well. Today in this post I'm going to tell you some easy to follow home remedies that can show effective results in just a few weeks

Lemon juice
For this you will need freshly squeezed lemon juice. Aplly this juice directly into its dark private parts.
Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water

Aloe vera gel
You can use this as a night method. Before sleeping, apply this gel to the affected area and wash it the next morning

Sandalwood Powder
Just mix a teaspoon of sandalwood powder with 10 drops of rose water in a bowl and apply this mixture to your dark private parts after a shower and leave it on for 20 minutes after which you should wash it with warm water.

Turmeric with orange juice

Orange is a citrus fruit and like lemon it has natural whitening agents. When combined with turmeric you will get a blend that will help lighten the dark skin of your private parts. Add 2 tablespoons of orange juice to a pinch of turmeric. Apply this mixture to the dark part of your private part and leave it there for 20 minutes, wash it with warm water afterwards. Daily use of this procedure will help clear the skin of your private area.

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