I started using this formula to stop my hair loss, I was surprised with the results after 2 weeks

When someone complains about hair loss or baldness, aging is the first thing that comes to mind. But aging is not the only factor that influences hair loss today. Thanks to our modern lifestyle, environment and associated factors like pollution, stress and toxins in foods, even young women have started to suffer from hair loss. Here is an amazing home remedy that can help you with this problem and involves only 3 ingredients and is very effective.

For this remedy will require these ingredients:

     ·       Castor oil - 2 tablespoons
     ·       Egg yolk - 1 egg
     ·       Honey - 1 tablespoon
Instructions to follow:

     ·        Take a bowl and mix all these ingredients together.
  •      Stir well to ensure they are well mixed.
  •     Apply the mixture gently over the roots of hair and the length of hair.
  •     Put on a shower cap and wait at least 2 hours.
  •     Wash hair with shampoo / conditioner.
  •     You can also use a hair mask.

·        For Best Results apply at least once a week and follow the routine for 2 months.

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