Stress, anxiety, eating late at night, certain medications, blood pressure pills, painkillers and frequent use of mobile phones can lead to insomnia and sleep disorders. Although some medications help you to fall asleep easily, they also increase the urge to urinate, thus leading to anxiety that makes your sleep difficult.
Banana Tea Recipe

Use only organic bananas as GMOs contain chemicals and pesticides. For this recipe you need the shell, as they contain potassium and magnesium that help in muscle relaxation, promoting sleep.
1 organic banana
Clean drinking water, a small pot
A pinch of cinnamon (optional)

Cut both ends of the banana and put the unpeeled banana in the pot with boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, then strain the contents into a cup. Add cinnamon if you want to.

Usage: Drink one hour before going to bed.


A large part of the population of the United States takes sleeping pills on a regular basis; However, these medications come with side effects that can cause long-term complications, while they can only help you in the short term.


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