This baby survived several days in a sewer after his mom left him there since the day of his birth. The child was only found by passersby who came to hear their cries. Now the child's mother is accused of attempted murder.
Police say the newborn baby survived for five days in the drain in Sydney, Australia. The child had no serious visible injuries. The red coloration under the child's head was not blood but a red blanket.
Early Sunday morning in suburban Sydney some cyclists heard the screams of a child, thinking at first that they were kittens. The child was lying at a depth of two meters at the bottom of the sewer.

The child was rescued and taken to hospital where he remains in child stable condition. The police assumes that the baby was born last Monday and was thrown into the sewer on Tuesday. It was wrapped in a blanket hospital.

The child's mother - a 30 - year - old was arrested and charged with attempted murder.
Police do not know how it was that the baby survived for so long without food and water, but they say it one more day and the child would not have survived, especially given the heat in Sydney on Sunday, where the temperature was about 30 degrees Celsius .


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