First 10 Minutes
Our brains prefer high-calorie foods
Our brains evolved during a time when food was scarce. so we become adepi at choosing high calorie foods. A regular 8'3 Mac contains 540 calories and raises your blood sugar levels to abnormal levels. Junk food triggers your brain's reward system by releasing much more feel-good' chemicals - such as the neurotransmitter dopamine - which ignites feelings of pleasure. This process works in a similar way for drugs like cocaine and contribution to the likelihood of compulsive eating.

After 20 Minutes
Addictive sugars
Did you know that the Big Mac bun has high levels of high 7 fructose corn syrup and sodium? Both ingredients are adduct 7 and make your body crave for more. These are also harmful ingredients that can cause obese. Diabetes and heart disease

After 30 Minutes
Sodium Attack on Your Body

A Big Mac consists of 970 milligrams of sodium. This huge amount oi salt can spur dehydration. With symptoms that closely mimic those of hunger. It’s easy for dehydration to trick you into thinking you need to go bed: for a new round.
Too much intake of sodium makes it hard for your kidneys to eliminate soil. This aggravates the situation: the sodium overdose makes your heart work faster in order to pump blood through your veins. This causes high blood pressure and can ultimately lead to heart diseases and strokes.

After 40 Minutes
Craving for more!
Are you still feeling hungry after just having a Big Mac? This is because you have lost control over your blood sugar. Making you crave even more for fast food.
The first time you consume a high calorie meal, your insulin response can bring dam your glucose levels making you wont to eat more. The high fructose corn syrup in the Big Mac bun is quickly absorbed by the GI tract, causing insulin spikes and even bigger hunger pangs.

After 60 Minutes
Slow digestion
Normally the body takes-about 24 to 72 hours to digest food However. Hamburgers tan a lot more lime because they are greasier. Alter consuming a Big Mac. It can take more than three days to fully digest. it takes approximately 51 days to digest trans-fat. The Big Mac contains 1.5 gram trans-fat. Different studies have pruned that trans lots can be linked to heart diseases. obese, cancer and diabetes.
If you want to enjoy a Big Mac. try to beep it an occasional event. The ingredients can cause serious harm to your body, especially when consuming them on a regular bags

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