Normally blackheads occur when nose pores become blocked with excess sebum (an oil created by the sebaceous glands that keeps skin supple) and dead skin cells. The difference between a blackheads and a whiteheads is the nose pore is open or closed. If the pore is open, the plug of sebum/skin cells oxidizes as it is in contact with the oxygen in the air, which turns it black. Blackheads are not caused by dirt. Well, here is going to share ten best ways to remove you black heads and white heads. 

10 Best Way of Removing Blackheads and Whiteheads
  1. Freeze fresh tomatoes in fridge. Cut down in two pieces and rub on your nose. Keep that practice for 10 days to get blackheads free nose.
  2. Use cleansing milk everyday with honey to get blackheads free nose.
  3. Use egg white mask twice in a week. 
  4. Backing soda is one of the natural cleanser and can be found easily. Mix a tea spoon backing soda with 2 tea spoon rose water. Apply the paste twice in a week to get blackheads free nose. 
  5. Mix one tea spoon turmeric powder in one table spoon milk. Soak cotton pad in turmeric milk and gently apply on nose to get blackheads free nose.
  6. Mix honey with lemon juice and apply that paste on your nose.
  7. Use green tea sachet. Rub gently on your nose.
  8. Mix one table spoon cornmeal with your regular cleanser and gently rub on nose to get blackheads free nose.
  9. You can apply pure honey on your nose.
  10. Use low chemical scrub and face wash daily to get blackheads free nose.

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